Research with ACFID

Topics Cross-sector partnerships | Data sources | DFAT/policy engagement | Research partnerships | Urbanisation | Tools & Guidance

Religion and development: Australian faith-based development organisations

This paper explores the distinctions between faith-based and secular aid and development organisations and the unique challenges and opportunities associated with the faith-based community.

In it for the long haul? Delivering Australian Aid to Afghanistan

This paper details the achievements of the Australian Government and non-government actors in Afghanistan in the years 2001 to 2010, and explores key ongoing challenges facing the nation.

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Alternatives to Debtors Prison: Developing a framework for international insolvency

This paper contributes to the debate regarding debt and insolvency as it relates to international development, challenging assumptions around the causes and responses associated debt crises in the developing world.

Closing the Gender Gap

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Faith sexual orientation gender identity and the ACFID Code of Conduct

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Measuring Social Change

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