You can read a reflection on the symposium proceedings here.
Building on the success of the inaugural Rethinking Development Symposium at James Cook University in 2017 that focused on ‘what’ we teach in Development Studies, a second symposium convened by Murdoch University will seek to explore ‘how’ we teach Development Studies. Join us in Perth on 22-24 June as we convene teachers, students and industry representatives to explore how we can improve ‘Pedagogy in Practice’ for Development Studies.
Keynote: Sisonke Msimang – More than words: The politics and practice of storytelling
Planned Panels:
- Teaching for Practice: Big employers speak. Our students want jobs, but do we know what big employers want? What the implications are for how we teach? What are the pathways into a career in international development?
- Teaching in Practice: International postgraduate students speak. What have our international students hoped for in their studies? What have been their experiences (honestly) and what did they value most?
Planned Roundtables:
- Creating a community of teaching practice. For example, how might we share teaching resources and components across institutions, in Australia and into developing countries?
- Field of Research (FOR) code for development studies, the development of an Antipodean Development Studies Association.
- Responding to the Teaching for Practice panels: is there a gap between what the development employers are seeking from development studies graduates and what the students are looking for in their degrees?
You can download the symposium program here.
If you would like access to the audio recordings of the main sessions from this event, please contact us.
Registration for the full two day program is now closed.