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Emotion, politics and the culture of medicine: Stories from the Indonesian Village Midwife Program

Organiser(s): Anne Décobert
2020-05-20 15:30:00 2020-05-20 17:30:00 Australia/Sydney Emotion, politics and the culture of medicine: Stories from the Indonesian Village Midwife Program The next event for the Anthropology and Development Studies Seminar Series of the University of Melbourne will be held on Wednesday, May 20th. Emotion, politics and the culture of medicine:... Research Lounge, Level 5 Arts West Building, University of Melbourne Anne Décobert [email protected] Calendar

The next event for the Anthropology and Development Studies Seminar Series of the University of Melbourne will be held on Wednesday, May 20th.

Emotion, politics and the culture of medicine: Stories from the Indonesian Village Midwife Program

Presenter: Dr Catherine Smith