Urbanisation in the Pacific and Asia

Topics Cross-sector partnerships | Data sources | DFAT/policy engagement | Research partnerships | Urbanisation | Tools & Guidance

Working with consultants and subject matter experts, the RDI Network regularly publishes research on relevant and emerging development issues in an accessible format. These reports are free to download, and are available in hard-copy and as an interactive PDF.
These reports on are a part of the Research in Development Series. The Series was first launched in 2010 through the ACFID University Network. It provided an opportunity for practitioners and academics to pursue emerging trends and thought leadership.
These reports are supported by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT).

Development in the Urban Era: Six strategies for better managing urbanisation in Asia and the Pacific

Development in the Urban Era: Six strategies for better managing urbanisation in Asia and the Pacific

This working paper provides insight into the complexity of urbanisation and present key entry points for its better management. The paper argues that an integrated programming or a ‘systems’ approach to urban development assistance in Asia and the Pacific is critical to strengthening prosperity, reducing poverty and building disaster resilience. Each of the six strategies presented highlight practical, tangible activities that contribute to meeting the targets within Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 11 and other related goals from the United Nation’s 2030 Agenda.

Pacific Island Towns and Cities: A resilience agenda for urbanisation and urban growth in Pacific Island Countries

Pacific Island Towns and Cities: A resilience agenda for urbanisation and urban growth in Pacific Island Countries

This paper provides an outline of the unique challenges of urbanisation and urban growth in the Pacific. It provides a detailed understanding of why it is important to address Pacific island urbanisation and urban growth, its unique features and a focus on informal settlements; and practical recommendations for relevant stakeholders on how to build urban resilience in Pacific towns and cities.
This paper was produced by the ACFID’s Urban Community of Practice and complements the case study “What Does Neighbourhood Level Urban Resilience Look Like In Honiara”.

What Does Neighbourhood Level Urban Resilience Look Like In Honiara?

What Does Neighbourhood Level Urban Resilience Look Like In Honiara?

Using a case study of two informal settlements in Honiara, Solomon Islands, this research aims to identify and understand what neighbourhood level resilience looks like in order to support local capacity to prepare for and respond to extreme events.
This paper was produced by the ACFID’s Urban Community of Practice and complements the policy paper “Pacific Island Towns and Cities”.

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