Choosing Your Social Media

RDI Network
October 2021
3 min read

Social media has become an invaluable tool for academics and professionals. However, there are so many platforms available and each with their own purpose. This can make it confusing to know which one is the right one for you. Before choosing your platform, it is important to understand just how it can help you.

  • Sharing Your Perspective
    Many social media platforms allow their users to share their opinions. You can have the opportunity to post photos, texts, videos or links to articles or your own work. This can also help to build and promote your brand. These posts can help with online networking, build connections and find communities who share these same interests. The best social media platforms for this are Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter and YouTube.
  • Scholarly
    There are a range of platforms that focus solely on scholarly related resources. They have functions that allow users to share and search for articles. Some even allow you to connect, query and collaborate with the author/s. These avenues are either free or require a membership fee. Check out these social media platforms for scholarly related needs,, Altmetic, Google Scholar, Innovation Catalyst Global, Mendeley and ORCID.


Photo by Tran Mau Tri Tam on Unsplash