Ethical practices in the Pacific and Asia

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Ethics Requirements for Research Publication

Research and evaluation within the international development sector are undertaken by a diverse range of researchers including academics, independent practitioners and NGO staff members. While the avenues and policies for publishing research undertaken by academics within universities are often clear-cut, how independent practitioners and NGO staff go about publishing their findings is often less well-defined.
In response to demand to better understand how researchers and evaluators outside of university systems can publish their work, the RDI Network developed the guide below. By providing more clarity around some of the ethical concerns and specific processes around research publication, the Network aims to increase the ability and confidence of independent practitioners and NGO staff to share their research and evaluation findings with the broader international development sector and contribute to the broader body of knowledge.

Ethics Requirements for Research Publication

Ethics Requirements for Research Publication

This practical guide assists NGO and independent practitioners to navigate the processes involved in formal publication of research and evaluation. It provides information relating to access to Human Research Ethics Committees (HRECs), assessment of risk and the ethics requirements of a range of Australian publications in the international development sector.

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Ethics Approval Processes in the Pacific & Asia

Meeting the relevant ethics approval requirements in-country is essential for research integrity, both in terms of the conduct of the research and the products and outcomes. The guidance below contains information related to the processes of obtaining ethics approval for research in selected developing countries across the Pacific and Asia.
These documents are designed to be used as a guidance for research which involves the participation of human participants. Individuals, organisations and institutions can use this guidance as a starting point for seeking ethics approval for their research.
The use of ethics review processes in-country by researchers based in Australia should complement the appropriate ethics approval requirements of Australian regulations and institutions.
The information contained is current to the best of our knowledge as of July 2017. If you have any further information regarding the processes detailed in these guidance documents, please be in touch.

Ethics Approval Processes in Asia

Ethics Approval Processes in Asia

Find details of ethics approval processes in: Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Nepal, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Timor-Leste and Vietnam.

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Ethics Approval Processes in the Pacific

Ethics Approval Processes in the Pacific

Find details of ethics approval processes in: Cook Islands, Fiji, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga and Vanuatu.

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Reputable Research Institutions and Organisations (A List)

The Research for Development Impact Network aims to increase opportunities for collaborations and partnerships which cross boundaries of geography, sector and discipline. Working together, we believe that our international development work can have greater positive impact and more sustainable outcomes for individuals, communities and our planet.

Research Institutions and Organisations - Asia

Research Institutions and Organisations - Asia

This document aims to provide a starting point for identifying potential in-country research partners and collaborators by identifying existing institutional and organisational research capacity in six countries within Asia. This includes universities, think tanks, research organisations and regional development organisations.

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Research Institutions and Organisations - Pacific

Research Institutions and Organisations - Pacific

This document aims to provide a starting point for identifying potential in-country research partners and collaborators by identifying existing institutional and organisational research capacity in fifteen countries within the Pacific. This includes a mapping of universities, think tanks, research organisations, and regional development organisations.

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