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Partnering for Impact on Sustainable Development

Organiser(s): RDI Network and University of Sydney Topics Cross-sector partnerships | Networking | Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
2017-06-13 08:00:00 2017-06-14 17:00:00 Australia/Sydney Partnering for Impact on Sustainable Development RDI Network’s flagship conference will explore how cross-sector partnerships can advance impact towards sustainable development. Abercrombie Building University of Sydney Business School Cnr Abercrombie St & Codrington St Darlington, NSW 2006 RDI Network and University of Sydney [email protected] Calendar

First held in 2009, the RDI Conference 2017 is the 6th in a series of conferences previously known as the ACFID University Network Conference. These conferences have become anticipated events in the development community, bringing together participants from across Australia and overseas who are working in aid and sustainable development.

Conference Theme:
Partnering for Impact on Sustainable Development: collaboration, coordination, solidarity

The conference aims to facilitate shared learning between academics, practitioners, policy-makers and other development actors, challenging traditional disciplinary boundaries and showcasing opportunities for cross-sector collaboration.

To view more information and access sessions details and recordings, click here.