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Launch | Research for All

Organiser(s): ACFID / ADDC / RDI Network Topics Cross-sector partnerships | Ethical research and evaluation | Evidence-based practice | Evidence-based policy | Research and evaluation methods | Research partnerships | Human rights and culture | Case studies | Tools & Guidance
2020-06-10 15:00:00 2020-06-10 16:30:00 Australia/Sydney Launch | Research for All 15% of the world’s population lives with a disability. Yet people with disabilities are often not included, or excluded from development research, evaluations and mainstream programming initiatives. To combat this,... Online - Zoom Webinar ACFID / ADDC / RDI Network [email protected] Calendar Register
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15% of the world’s population lives with a disability. Yet people with disabilities are often not included, or excluded from development research, evaluations and mainstream programming initiatives.

To combat this, the RDI Network, CBM Australia, Nossal Institute for Global Health, and Pacific Disability Forum (PDF) have collaborated to produce a clear and comprehensive guidance document. The guide provides advice and practical steps for practitioners, researchers and policymakers; guidance provides case studies, checklists, and tools to ensure inclusive practices in the research cycle

Join us on the 10 June 2020 as we launch the guidance with the support of the Australian Council for International Development (ACFID) and Australia Disability & Development Consortium (ADDC).

We join their joint webinar on ‘Disability-inclusive Practice & Research: COVID-19 & Beyond’ online webinar and panel discussion.  

This event is free to attend. Register for your first look at the guidance document and its accompanying animation short.

The guide will be available in hard-copy and soft-copy (fully interactive, accessible PDF).

We will also be holding a series of three in-depth webinars with ACFID to look closely at inclusive design, so save the date: