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Building networks for development impact: Sydney

Organiser(s): RDI Network and the Institute for Sustainable Futures Topics Cross-sector partnerships | Networking | Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
2017-11-23 15:00:00 2017-11-23 17:30:00 Australia/Sydney Building networks for development impact: Sydney Join peers from development NGOs and universities across Sydney to share opportunities and learnings in partnerships for impact. University of Technology Sydney Room 470, Level 2, Building 10 (CB10.02.470) 235 Jones St Ultimo NSW 2007 RDI Network and the Institute for Sustainable Futures Calendar
Photo Credit: United Nations


The RDI Network and the Institute for Sustainable Futures at the University of Technology Sydney, together with a partnership of Sydney-based NGOs and universities, invite you to join a networking forum for researchers and practitioners of international development.

The event will offer an opportunity to strengthen cross-sectoral partnerships and meet and greet like-minded individuals working in the sector.

The forum will also feature a focus on how an active Sydney development network can best engage in the process leading to Australia’s Voluntary National Review in relation to the 2030 Agenda. Presentations will be made by representatives from both ACFID and DFAT.

The forum will discuss potential opportunities for practical action or peer support to effectively engage with DFAT or other government agencies in Australia’s commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals.

During the course of the event, we will be launching How to Partner for Development Research, a new practical RDI Network guide supporting NGOs and researchers in research partnerships.

This event is free to attend and drinks and snacks will be provided.

Convening Organisations