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After COVID-19: A ‘new normal’ for Monitoring, Evaluation, Research and Learning

Organiser(s): LaTrobe University and Abt Associates Topics Development studies | Ethical research and evaluation | Evidence-based practice | Evidence-based policy | Research and evaluation methods | Health
2020-07-09 12:30:00 2020-07-09 14:00:00 Australia/Sydney After COVID-19: A ‘new normal’ for Monitoring, Evaluation, Research and Learning The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly shifted the context in which aid and development is being delivered. This presents an opportunity for aid actors to promote more locally-led, politically-informed and adaptive... Online LaTrobe University and Abt Associates Calendar Register

The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly shifted the context in which aid and development is being delivered. This presents an opportunity for aid actors to promote more locally-led, politically-informed and adaptive forms of Monitoring, Evaluation, Research and Learning (MERL) which can help make sense of the complex and uncertain contexts in which much development work takes place.

What does locally-led, politically-informed and adaptive MERL look like? How can it be applied in practice? And how can those within the aid industry help promote a shift in approaches to MERL?

Join speakers from across Australia and the Pacific to discuss the possibilities for a ‘new normal’ for MERL and what this looks like in practice.