Case Studies for Ethical Research Practice

Photo Credit: The Fred Hollows Foundation

The RDI Network has documented case studies to assist organisations and researchers to explore lessons, experiences and responses in navigating ethical issues associated with research and evaluation in international development.

By sharing the learnings and successes of how academics, organisations and collaborations have applied ethical principles through their research practice, we aim to build the knowledge base and capacity of the sector.

Find below a series of case studies sourced as part of the Network’s development of the Principles and Guidelines for Ethical Research and Evaluation in Development.

If you or your organisation would like to propose a new case study in order to inform this growing body of work, please get in touch.

Case Studies

Ethical challenges in the evaluation of a Pacific multi-country training project by an Australian NGO

Ethical challenges in the evaluation of a Pacific multi-country training project by an Australian NGO

Family Planning NSW

Volunteering for development: Tensions around conducting multi-sited ethnography with volunteers

Volunteering for development: Tensions around conducting multi-sited ethnography with volunteers

Australian Catholic University, Palms Australia & University of Wollongong

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Ethical issues and lessons in the Voices of Pacific Children with Disability project

Ethical issues and lessons in the Voices of Pacific Children with Disability project

Save the Children Australia and Deakin University

Triple jeopardy: Ethical considerations in researching violence against women with disability in Cambodia

Triple jeopardy: Ethical considerations in researching violence against women with disability in Cambodia

International Women’s Development Agency (IWDA) & CBM Australia

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Improving development practice through strengthened research ethics: Learning from child and youth focused research

Improving development practice through strengthened research ethics: Learning from child and youth focused research

Child Fund Australia, inSight Sustainability, Institute of Sustainable Futures – UTS, Transform Aid International

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Report: ACFID Mock Ethics Review Process and Reflection Workshop

Report: ACFID Mock Ethics Review Process and Reflection Workshop

Institute for Sustainable Futures – University of Technology Sydney

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