Creating Meaningful Video Content

RDI Network
October 2021
3 min read

Video can be another very useful method of sharing research output and making content accessible to a wider audience. When making video content to convey research outcomes, one needs to ensure that the videos are being made with purpose and determination. Videos shouldn’t be made for the sake of output.
Here are some key factors in ensuring video productions are compelling and effective. There is also a bonus set of resources linked below for an understanding of video production, platforms and equipment when making the first steps into production.
Key considerations for a compelling video: 

  • Understand your platform. Different video platforms necessitate different video lengths, editing and visual styles. Understanding the audience of your chosen platform, particularly on social media, is crucial to the success of your communications. Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, LinkedIn all serve wildly different purposes. Cater your presentation, video length and editing style accordingly to serve the different platforms. 
  • Understand your limitations. When starting out in video production, take stock of the resources at your disposal. Will you be filming yourself, or will you instead be able to recruit assistants, extra presenters, designers, etc? Will I have access to studio cameras, industry editing software, studio lighting, or am I limited to phone recordings and iMovie? Don’t seek to overextend yourself, make plans within reason
  • Tone & Style. Understand the tone you wish to convey throughout the video, and present accordingly. Is this video meant to be lighthearted or sombre? Does this tone work well with anecdotes, or does data prove to compliment your research better?  The linked Ted talks do a great job covering the breadth of different presentation styles, and can serve as a great launch point for future research.
  • Perfect is the enemy of good. Try not to overthink your videos too much. Obsession over the minutiae of production decisions can weigh down otherwise healthy and effective video productions. Odds are, your video production is unlikely to be on national television anytime soon, so there’s no need to sweat the small stuff. In some cases, a DIY aesthetic may even come across as more authentic to viewers.
  • The information matters more than the tech. Having the right tech can feel like a bit of a competition at times, keeping up with everyone else. It is important to not get caught up in this. A high quality, engaging delivery of information does far more for the effectiveness of production than the marginal increases in resolution from upgrading cameras. Most smartphones are installed with industry standard 1080p resolution cameras.
  • Sound quality is important. Whilst audiences may be willing to put up with some sub-par visuals, poor sound can drive them away. Ensuring a quiet location and perhaps a good microphone can ensure that the audio in your videos is clear and accessible.


Excited to get started on video production? Here are some tools you might need: