How to write useful recommendations

RDI Network
October 2021
3 min read

Recommendations are a key part of most reports. Their role is to tell your reader what they  (or others) need to do based upon the findings in a report. These should be written with the mindset that each recommendation will prompt a change.

  • Make Your Points Action-Based
    Since we are telling the reader (or others) what to do, use action verbs. Each recommendation should describe exactly what the course of action is, and ideally who should do it. They also should be concise, with only a minor explanation or reference to evidence.
  • Choose a Presentation Style that is Suitable
    Every recommendation list will differ and so will their presentation style. Consider your relationship with those to whom the recommendations are made and what order they should be given. For example, you can order them in terms of priority. Another way is to use categories, or order them on a chronological basis.
  • Maximise Impact Potential
    Each recommendation should stand alone rather than combining them all together. This will increase impact for every point. Additionally, be selective about exactly how many you are including. Remember you do not want to overwhelm the reader or user of the report!
  • Can I Have An Example Please?
    World Health Organization (WHO) has an interactive module where users can look at recommendation examples. There are also additional comments for each example from WHO’s perspective.


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