Case studies on effective cross-sector partnerships

Topics Cross-sector partnerships | Research partnerships | Case studies | Tools & Guidance

A showcase of effective partnership examples and lived experiences from Network members and partners.
The case studies below are sourced from across the Network and detail successes, challenges and lessons from past and ongoing academic–NGO research partnerships.

A partnership for learning, reflection and evaluation in action: Exploring opportunities for understanding program impact

A partnership for learning, reflection and evaluation in action: Exploring opportunities for understanding program impact

Plan International and University of Technology Sydney

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Women in partnership: making justice work for women

Women in partnership: making justice work for women

ActionAid Australia, University of Sydney and University of Technology Sydney

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The Oxfam Monash Partnership

The Oxfam Monash Partnership

Oxfam Australia and Monash University

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Gia Lai Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD) Project

Gia Lai Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD) Project

This Case Study features in the resource How to Partner for Development Research found under Tools and Guidance on this page.

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Gender in Pacific WASH

Gender in Pacific WASH

This Case Study features in the resource How to Partner for Development Research found under Tools and Guidance on this page.

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Oxfam Monash Partnership (2017 update)

Oxfam Monash Partnership (2017 update)

This Case Study features in the resource How to Partner for Development Research found under Tools and Guidance on this page.

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