Expert Membership Registration

Join the RDI Network and apply to be an Expert Member by completing the form below.

We invite applications from researchers, practitioners and consultants with:

  • experience in the field of international development
  • willingness to contribute to sector dialogue, practice and policy.

The information entered below will form a public Expert Profile which will be made available on our Find an Expert portal. To see what your profile will look like, view an example here.

Fellow RDI Network members will be able to contact you with questions relating to your interests and expertise as listed by you on your profile.

Once submitted, your application as an Expert will be assessed by the RDI Network, and the outcome communicated to you within two weeks.


Your contact information will not be publically accessible. We respect your privacy.

* All fields marked with an asterisc are required.

  • In order to fully benefit from your membership and engage on our Find an Expert communication portal, please provide your current work/professional e-mail contact. This can be updated by you at any time once your membership is confirmed.
  • Please create a password for your membership account. Your password needs to have at least 8 characters, and include a mix of capitals, lower case and numbers.