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Leadership for Inclusive Development: RDI Conference 2019

Organiser(s): RDI Network and La Trobe University Topics Cross-sector partnerships | Networking
2019-06-12 08:00:00 2019-06-13 17:00:00 Australia/Sydney Leadership for Inclusive Development: RDI Conference 2019 Join the RDI Network's biennial conference - convening practitioners, academics and policy makers to share ideas and collaborate for action in harnessing Leadership for Inclusive Development. La Trobe University Bundoora VIC Australia RDI Network and La Trobe University Calendar

The Research for Development Impact (RDI) Network and La Trobe University invite you to join the 7th RDI Conference, exploring the theme Leadership for Inclusive Development.

Hosted at La Trobe University’s Bundoora campus in Melbourne on 12-13 June 2019, the Conference will explore what leadership is and what leadership does in the field of international development.

This Conference offers international development practitioners, academics, students, consultants and private sector representatives a unique opportunity to hear from thought leaders, interrogate ideas, share practice and explore collaboration across sectors.

You can find out more about the Conference theme, program and resources available from the RDI Conference 2019 page.