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How will change happen in a post-truth world?

Organiser(s): RDI Network, Development Leadership Program, IWDA, Oxfam Australia Topics Evidence-based practice | Evidence-based policy | Innovation and technology
2017-04-06 17:00:00 2017-04-06 20:00:00 Australia/Sydney How will change happen in a post-truth world? Join Duncan Green as he launches his new book How Change Happens in Melbourne. Deakin Edge Federation Square Melbourne RDI Network, Development Leadership Program, IWDA, Oxfam Australia Calendar
(L-R) Nkosana Mafico, Kylie Fisk, Duncan Green, Rebecca Wilson, Judith Grayley MP and Chris Roche at Deakin Edge, Melbourne

You can listen to a recording of this event via SoundCloud here.


Dr Duncan Green shared the ideas from his latest book How Change Happens in a public forum, targeted at all who have an interest in understanding the factors and process which affect social and political change.

This free public event was co-presented by the Research for Development Impact (RDI) Network, the Developmental Leadership Program, Oxfam Australia and the International Women’s Development Agency (IWDA).

How Change Happens aims to bridge the gap between academia and practice, bringing together the best research from a range of academic disciplines and the evolving practical understanding of activists to explore the topic of social and political change from the perspective of international development.

Drawing on first-hand examples from the global experience of Oxfam, one of the world’s largest social justice NGOs, as well as the author’s insights from studying and working on international development, it tests ideas on How Change Happens and offers the latest thinking on what works to achieve progressive change.

Speaking alongside Duncan in a panel format were Judith Grayley MP, Dr Kylie Fisk from the International Women’s Development Agency, Nkosana Mafico from the Council for Young Africans Living Abroad and Rebecca Wilson from Australian Progress.

About Duncan Green

Dr Duncan Green is Oxfam Great Britain’s Senior Strategic Adviser. He teaches on international development at the London School of Economics, where he is a Professor in Practice. His blog is one of the most widely read on international development, From Poverty to Power.

Duncan was previously Senior Policy Adviser on trade and development at DFID (UK Department for International Development) and a Policy Analyst on trade and globalisation at CAFOD (Catholic Agency for Overseas Development). He is also currently a visiting fellow at the Institute of Development Studies at the University of Sussex.