The RDI Network seeks to support work happening throughout the sector which aligns with our objectives. One of the ways we do this is through event support, which may be in the form of sponsorship, partnership or non-financial collaboration.
The Network invites proposals seeking support or collaboration for the hosting of events or activities which directly contribute to our Network objectives:
Proposals can be made for financial support, sponsorship, partnership and/or non-financial forms of support or collaboration towards a proposed or confirmed event or activity.
Who can apply?
The RDI Network welcomes proposals from any organisation or institution across Australia or throughout the Asia-Pacific region. Priority will be given to proposals submitted by ACFID Full or Affiliate Members (learn more here).
The RDI Network welcomes proposals for event support of up to $20,000, however the majority of support offered is for amounts less than $5,000.
To allow for due consideration to be given to your proposal, please allow for the following timelines:
- Support request less than $5,000: submission 2 months in advance of funding required
- Support request greater than $5,000: submission 4 months in advance of funding required
Proposals will be reviewed by members of the RDI Committee and Secretariat, and will be considered in light of the following criteria:
- Relevance to Network objectives
- Budget allocation requested, and relation to other sources of support
- Evidence of explicit or implicit benefit to the Network and its members
Application process
Please download and complete the form below, returning to Philippa Smales, RDI Network Manager [email protected].
RDI Network events activities support – application form
If you have any questions about this opportunity, please contact us via the link below.